I am a ghostwriter, my own ghostwriter. So while this blog is indeed mine, it is that of the shadowed selves i sometimes fail to recognise as being me. If writing writes you, sometimes revealing those things that you hadn't intended for it to say,* then I write with the intention of exposing me to myself. sketching serendipity therefore depicts a series of thoughts and experiences in the hope of projecting a multidimensional self-portrait in the making.

* J.M Coetzee's theories on writing in Doubling The Point.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mothers' Day Madness: The Koeksister trial begins

Picture this: 
It's a kitchen from out of space - flying saucers and a whooping kettle clamour up a cacophony along with that vociferous Jamie Oliver voice... in my mind. Through the window, the moon passes to nod a greeting as the sun enters to warn me of the time, which is up. Already?!
I snap out of my dreaming and move towards the kitchen, unintentionally recreating the scene i create every year: a meaningful and chaotic Mothers' Day morning.

I don't know where and how the notion of South African Mothers' Day breakfasts came into being, except that it became an unfaltering yet evolving tradition in my home since nearly a decade ago. I hear many people argue about the correctness of the two internationally celebrated parent days:, asking why we should we want to dedicate only a single day of an entire year to loving our mothers. And, is not everyday a day to honour and shower them with love?
Quite true, i say. Except, Mothers' Day is not quite that in my home.  It isn't a day for mothers: it is a credible excuse for a cooking extravaganza, where the guest list and menus change along with the sibling cooks (my brothers hate to be dragged out of bed, and my 10 year old sister can't fathom the need for her to cook when she can be served in style instead - if my kindness permitted her that luxury, which it never does, not since she was 3 years old and cute enough to be spoiled).

Usually, i don't plan my menus. Multiple breakfast dishes are prepared simultaneously, all of which are imagined and concocted as i go along which, i guess, is just about the time that serendipity illuminates my world. This year though, I did something different, and baked koeksisters the evening before. The dough takes a lifetime to rise, you see. And my koeksister-baking grandmother, despite being bid to the kitchen to teach me her granny-food wisdom, refused to leave her game of tetris on the computer. Being forced to bake them myself, i finally learned just how. And so, as promised, I found and saved an old Cape recipe to share:

The results: Not a bad koeksister. It's actually quite tasty. But, it isn't the best I've tasted thus far. 1 recipe down. Two more to go :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

blogging sketchingserendipity and MISS(placed) ENGLISH

I have three blogs, two of which are currently available for viewing. Something tells me I should create a fourth - except that that would be too many to manage. The thing is, I need a blog that will allow me to write about all the vastly different issues that interest me. Thus far, one of them (titled Miss[placed] English) is dedicated to only my teaching experiences, yet somehow I  found myself struggling to commit to a single topic on one blog, and so included a completely unrelated subject: that concerning the politics and social consequences of Imperialism and Racialism in a modern context. I realise that blogs needn't be bogged down by monotonous topics, but at the same time, their readers need to be able to walk through them like they do in an aisle in a shopping mall; offering exciting, great varieties in relation to each other, and similar in purpose. So, may this one be dedicated to all things novel and piqued in discovery. 
